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How do I book an appointment with the Huron County Christmas Bureau?To register for Huron County Christmas Bureau support, you will need to call Christmas Central when the phone lines are open. To see dates and times for this year, head to our Christmas Bureau page and scroll to Register. Parents of the children need to be the one to call in, we cannot create appointments through other relatives or support workers.
What do I do if I missed the window when the appointment phone lines were open?Unfortunately appointments for the Huron County Christmas Bureau are only able to be booked over the phone when the Christmas Central phone lines are open. Check out this year's dates and times on our Christmas Bureau page (scroll down to Register). If you missed that window, there are other assistance programs in our area, which you can search for on Ontario 211.
What do I do if I missed my appointment?Do not fret! You can still receive your gift cards. Do not call the Bureau location, they do not have the appointment schedules or the ability to rebook your appointment. Please call Katrina at Rural Response for Healthy Children at 1 (226) 699-0707 ext. 102 to determine next steps.
Who can call to book an appointment for my family?The parents/direct caregivers of the children being registered are the individuals who need to call and book your appointment. We cannot create appointments through other relatives, such as grandparents, or through support workers.
Do I need to bring ID to my appointment?Yes, you need to bring identification of the children you registered for to your appointment.
What kind of ID do I need to bring to my appointment?You need to bring identification for each child you registered. Acceptable forms of identification include: Birth certificate, health card, permanent residency card, Canadian citizenship card, Canadian passport, student card, the top portion of an Ontario report card (showing name, grade, and address), yellow vaccine booklet showing name and date of birth, or printed vaccine record showing name and date of birth.
I need a ride to my appointment, what do I do?No problem, we can help you out. Please call Katrina at 1 (226) 699-0707 ext. 102 and she will be able to assist you.
I'm new to Huron County, what is the Huron County Christmas Bureau?Welcome to the County! Each year, the Huron County Christmas Bureau, which is organized by Rural Response for Healthy Children, fundraises to provide gift cards for local grocery stores and toy retailers to Huron County families. This ensure every family in our region has food on the table and gifts under the tree at the holidays. You can also to donate to the Christmas Bureau to support local families! But if you are finding it difficult to cover costs at the holiday season, learn more about how to register (scroll down to Register).
What do I need to be eligible for the Huron County Christmas Bureau?In order to be eligible for Huron County Christmas Bureau support, parents/caregivers must have custody of their child(ren) and must reside in Huron County. Children aged 0-18 only are eligible to participate.
How do I volunteer for the Huron County Christmas Bureau?Thank you for your interest, we would love to have you help out! Please contact Jill at or 1 (226) 699-0707 ext. 104 and she will be able to assist you.
I am a Huron County Christmas Bureau volunteer, who do I contact if I have a question?Check with your Bureau Manager first but if they are unavailable, please call Katrina at 1 (226) 699-0707 ext. 102 and she will be able to assist you.
What do I do if my gift card doesn't work?Please contact Katrina at 1 (226) 699-0707 ext. 102 and she will be able to assist you.
Can I only pick up at the Christmas Bureau location closest to me or can I choose to pick up elsewhere?We have five towns throughout Huron County that host Christmas Bureau: Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich, Wingham, and Exeter. Churches in each town are selected as the Bureau location, which rotate every two years. The church locations for this year are listed on our Christmas Bureau page, scroll down to Locations. You can select any of the Bureau locations, it does not have to be the one you live closest to, as long as you are able to travel to your selected location at your appointment date and time.
What do I do if I don't live in Huron County?Unfortunately the Huron County Christmas Bureau can only provide support to Huron County residents. However, there are many other assistance programs throughout Ontario. The best way to find a program closest to you is by searching on Ontario 211.
My child is 20 years old, do they qualify?Unfortunately we can only provide assistance for children 0-18 years of age. There are other programs in the area that assist any age, you can search for options on Ontario 211.
How do I find the church the Huron County Christmas Bureau is at?We have five towns throughout Huron County that host Christmas Bureau: Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich, Wingham, and Exeter. Churches in each town are selected as the Bureau location, which rotate every two years. The church locations for this year are listed on the Christmas Bureau page, scroll down to Locations.
I need additional support, who do I call?No problem! Please call Katrina at 1 (226) 699-0707 ext. 102 and she will be happy to assist you.
I want to have a workplace fundraiser for the Huron County Christmas Bureau, can I do that?Thank you for your interest, of course you can! You can learn all about how to run a workplace fundraiser as well as find some great fundraiser ideas in our Third Party Fundraiser Guide.
How do I donate to the Huron County Christmas Bureau?Thank you for your interest, there are many ways to donate to the Christmas Bureau! You can donate at any point throughout the year online, over the phone, or by mailing in a cheque. If you would like to donate in-person, we have a week in November every year where the Bureau locations will take cash and cheques in-person (see below for a link to locations). You can either: Donate online vis credit card here Donate via credit card over the phone by calling Katrina at 1 (226) 699-0707 ext. 102 Mail a cheque addressed to: Rural Response for Healthy Children, 413 MacEwan St, Goderich, ON, N7A 4M1 (with Christmas Bureau listed in the memo) Donate via cash or cheque in-person during the in-person donation window at your local Christmas Bureau location (see locations and dates listed on the Christmas Bureau page, scroll down to Donate)
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